Dear babes, I love and miss you so much!
It will not be much longer before we get to see each other, hug each other, talk to each other.
I had a wonderful day at work. My job really makes me happy. The people I encounter on a regular basis really appreciate, kindness and over all good customer service. Which in turn for me is great, because when I open my business, I have learned the key to a successful business is great customer service. It doesn't matter what you are serving, if you do not have great customer service. That means putting yourself in their shoes and then caring. You have to learn your customers to provide excellent service. This goes for every position in life. Sympathy and Empathy go hand in hand, however, you cannot force yourself into completely understanding what people are going through, so you can try to make their journey easier. NO matter who the person or the task at hand. That simply is being a good human. When you were born, you were given a life. I can guarantee it wasn't meant to cause ill will toward anyone or anything, thus, hone in your good side and start caring the best you possibly can. Sometimes you may feel prohibited to do what you know is good...but let me tell you something, if you get a feeling to do something that is good and helpful, Nike That! Just Do It! You will build a better future for yourself if you learn to care for others... as if their lives matter too....AND THEN ACTUALLY APPLYING IT.
I cannot wait to teach you these things! With that I had a great day I will add to this on tomorrows post. It is hard to emrace the fact that you are out there somewhere with strangers and I cannot squeeze you guys goodnight and sing songs with you at bedtime. I do not care how old you get we will ALAWAYS sing together! You are both So Special We All Miss You! I have to work tomorrow, so I am cutting it shorter than I wanted, but I have decided to try my hardest and face this head on, no turning away no matter how hard it gets, NO ONE will scare me away! No One will scare you away either, EVER. So Here's to embracing this next chapter of life head on.
I LOVE YOU BOTH SO MUCH, Goodnight Guys. <3, Love Mommy! ( posting unedited tonight )